Love and Jerk Chicken

From the minute I laid my eyes on my hubster, I knew he was different from the guys I had dated in the past. He seemed genuinely nice and interested in what I had to say, what my likes and interests were, what I was passionate about....he was just a really amazing guy. Easy to laugh and to smile, and loves to make me laugh. He is pretty ridiculous, truth be told.....but he is mine, all mine and I would have it no other way. He was so adorable and nervous when he proposed and soooo patient throughout the wedding planning and SOOOOO happy when it was all over and we could go to Jamaica to unwind from the stressful (and intoxicating) wedding week and just be with each other and be married. We stayed at a Sandals resort on the far side of the island, nice and secluded, with a swim-up bar right outside our beachfront room and tons of restaurants on the resort to try out. I couldn't wait to enjoy delicious seafood and fish right on the island and to drink fruity drinks and swim in the warm water, and hang out with my brand new husband.

Our first day on the island, we hit the beach and swam forever in the crystal clear blue water....enjoyed the sunshine and the hospitality of the bartenders at the swim-up tan and took a nap....and then we got up to head to dinner at the seafood restaurant on the resort. Neptune's, I believe it was called. It took awhile before we got a table, then it took awhile for us to get a drink......then it took awhile for our food to come, but we were CERTAIN it would all be worth it and so so tasty. *sigh* was not. I don' think we even ate it....we went instead to get a drink. (Shake it off, Kim....shake it off.....) So, the next morning at breakfast (which was really good) we decided that afternoon after our mid-morning swim/buzz/pool volleyball session to explore down the beach. And do you know what we found, guys?? Through all of the little huts and cabanas on the beach, there it was...............the jerk chicken shack. Jerk. Chicken....In Jamaica. OH MY GOD. SO SO SO GOOD. This was a game changer for us for the rest of our trip...between the jerk chicken and the meat handpies we discovered the next day, we developed our honeymoon diet/routine.

In the AM, we would head to breakfast at the MASSIVE buffet to get a base going for what would inevitably end up being a STELLAR day at the pool/cabana/swim-up bar. Soaking up rays and rum soaked concoctions made for us by the always smiling and hospitable bar staff, then walking down to the handpie stand or to get what became my hubster's favorite, jerk chicken. Then it wax back to the room or the cabana to relax before swimming and rumming it up some more for the remainder of the afternoon. Jerk Chicken became central to our days at our little slice of paradise, and my hubster has missed it ever since. Until tonight.


For tonight's dinner, I decided that he shouldn't have to be without the deliciousness that is jerk after some research as to all the spices used, I whipped up a boss batch of marinade and rubbed it all up on some chicken leg quarters and let them get super happy overnight. After all that happiness occurred, I slow roasted them for an hour or so in the oven at 325.....then finished them on the grill with some generous basting of the leftover jerk marinade that I hadn't used during the marination of the chicken. Chicken alone does not a meal make, so I made some amazing rice and beans to go with....made with homemade chicken stock I had in the freezer, a generous sprinkling of my jerk chicken rub, some finely chopped scallions and about a quarter cup of the chicken drippings. OH. And let us not forget the mango jalapeño salsa up on top. It's a spicy and sweet trip down memory lane for my hubster and I............even if it is just dinner for tonight!