Takeout Fakeout: Mongolian Beef

Quarantine. Yes, it’s super annoying. But it totally puts into light how many things we have taken for granted. From being able to meet up with my SUPER rad in-laws for dinner or pints, sitting at Iron Horse with my bestie splitting a Ceasar salad and a pitcher, or what I REALLY want to be able to do is call up our favorite Chinese takeout place (PS it’s Happiness off of Thor/Freya exit in Spokane….SOOOOO yummy!) open a bottle of wine (for us)/crack open an ice cold can of Pepsi (for Mason), and watch a movie with my fellas. HOWEVER……I am not a woman without skills, and now I am sharing them with you guys. BEHOLD!!!! My super scrumdiddle take on Mongolian Beef! It’s not quite the same as having it via takeout (because Chinese takeout RULES) but damnit, it’ll get ya through!

* I know I say this a lot, but we like things a little spicy in our household. If you want a lower degree of heat, decrease Sambal by half *

The Goods:

1.5 lbs Flank Steak, sliced thinly across the grain

4 cloves garlic, smashed and minced into paste

4 scallions, cleaned and trimmed into 2'“ sections

2 TBSP fresh grated ginger root

1/2 c. Tamari or soy sauce

2 TBSP Sambal

2 TBSP brown sugar

1/2 c. beef stock

TBSP cornstarch


The How-To:

Step 1: Cook yo rice, and whisk together beef stock and cornstarch. Whatever rice that tickles your fancy….fellas had Basmati, I had CauliRice. Prepare according to package instructions. While rice is cooking, heat 3 TBSP Avocado Oil or preferred oil over medium high heat. Begin sautéing thinly sliced steak, allowing to sear well on all sides.

Step 2: When steak is seared well, add in grated ginger root and garlic paste. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes, shaking in pan from time to time.

Step 3: Stir in Sambal, brown sugar, scallions, and Tamari/soy. Simmer for a couple minutes, then add beef stock/cornstarch slurry. Stir well to incorporate. Allow to simmer and thicken.

Serve over rice of choice, or alongside sesame soy broccoli, stir fry veggies. BOOOOOOYA. It ain’t waiting at the cocktail lounge, enjoying a STOUT vodka tonic WHILE you wait for your takeout, but it’ll satisfy that craving until we can!
